martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013

Madrid, tapas and stars

Tasty, plentiful, elaborate, traditional, cutting-edge, authentic, sophisticated… Seven adjectives for the seven stars displayed by the gastronomic flag the Community of Madrid raises to welcome you when you sit at the table. It is a table where the designer cuisine coexists with the stoves’ experience matching perfectly the past with the innovation.

Tapas. Maybe it is the unique Spanish word that you know or maybe it is for you the most famous but one thing is clear…all the people that come to Madrid want to taste a tapa. Cheese, ham, patatas bravas (potatoes in a spicy sauce), calamares a la romana (fried calamars), anchovies, olives or callos madrileños (Madrid typical sticky casserole of veal tripe and cheeks), are some tapas castizas that you can eat drinking a caña (beer), a wine or a vermouth. Where?
You can eat tapas in every Madrilenian bar, but there are special zones as, for instance, La Latina, where at the Bonanno or the Almendro you will taste all these delicacies that have made the Spanish cuisine famous all over the world.
Walking towards Sol, you will find the San Miguel Market, where cheese, wine, codfish and cold meat coexist with the most cutting-edge tapas in the only iron market of the capital. The best place to taste the famous squid sandwich is the Mayor Square.
In the Puerta del Sol, La Alhambra and the Casa Labra are some charming places where you can delight the palate, while in Huertas you will discover the ancient Madrilenians flavours and the modern and creative face of the castiza cuisine at the Lateral, in the Santa Ana Square. If you are in Lavapiés, you can stop at the Económico or at the Aloque to get one's strength back in a pure Iberian style.
Cocido (stew with meat and chickpeas), callos, Spanish omelette, Madrid red bream and codfish, gallinejas and entresijos (giblets) are some of the most typical examples of the Madrid gastronomy that you can taste at the ancient taverns or restaurants that nowadays have become in important and recognized places to eat and drink and enjoy your visit in Madrid.
Like this, you can't leave Madrid without taste the Madrilenian stew of La Bola and, during the cold days of the winter, to stop at Lhardy to have a hot clear soup is a good idea. You can’t say you have been in Madrid if you don’t have tasted the scrambled eggs (Huevos estrellados Lucio) of Casa Lucio and Casa Botín, the oldest restaurant in the world prepares, since 1725, one of the best roasted suckling pig and lamb.
A Michelin Star is for a cooker the same as an Oscar is for an actor. And in the Community of Madrid we have twelve restaurants with Star. Nine of them are located in the capital; we find the other three in different municipalities.
With two Stars the Santceloni of Santi Santamaría, the Terraza del Casino and the Sergi Arola Gastro mix the originality, the innovation and the quality, without forget the tradition. But, in the city centre there are six more restaurants with a Michelin Star. This is the case of the Zalacaín, the Club Allard Diverxo, La Broche, the Ramón Freixa Madrid and the Kabuki Wellington.
Not far from the city, the Coque restaurant, in Humanes, the Casa José, in Aranjuez, and El Cenador, in Moralzarzal, shine thanks to a Michelin Star, this one that they have obtained.
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